
We strive for the highest quality in our services.

Our Services

Check what we have to offer

Standard cleaning

The most commonly chosen, basic option.

We offer three cleaning options depending on the type of footwear and the material it is made of. The service includes cleaning the upper, sole, and interior of the shoes.


Footwear Color Restoration

For customers who want to restore or change the color of their footwear.

After a thorough consultation with the client, our specialists are able to restore or completely change the color of your footwear. The service includes painting the entire shoe as well as individual elements of the footwear.

Mechanical Demage Reapair

All types of shoemaking services.

We perform various types of repairs, such as scratch elimination, heel repairs, or replacement of missing components. For each type of repair, we provide an individual assessment and cost estimate.


Shoe Ozonation

For every type of footwear

A simple and quick procedure aimed at eliminating bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Delivery Service

Anyone can avail themselves of our services.

In the city of Nuremberg, we offer free pickup and delivery for our customers. For distances up to 15 km outside the city, a small fee is charged. For customers residing farther away, we recommend using easy and accessible courier services.

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